Thursday, August 27, 2020
Compare and Contrast Literary Text and Non-Literary Text Essay Example
Thoroughly analyze Literary Text and Non Thoroughly analyze Literary Text and Non-Literary Text Paper Thoroughly analyze Literary Text and Non-Literary Text Paper Nons of non-abstract writings are close to home journals, current undertakings news, diaries, course books and articles. Non-artistic organization is composed unbiasedly. Interestingly, scholarly messages are anecdotal organizations dependent on the artist’s will and minds and are in this manner abstract. Verse, books, short stories and dramatizations are written with a specific goal in mind, and this is alluded to as artistic content. In scholarly messages, creators imaginatively make sentiments and thoughts to engage their crowds. Instances of scholarly messages are sonnets, short stories and dramatizations. They have been depicted as â€Å"the best words in the best order†. The utilization of sound of words make sonnets sound like melodies when perused so anyone might hear. Sonnets have a specific appearance that shows they are sonnets before perusing the words. Sonnets have shorter lines than most kinds of works. Language highlights allude to the sound of the language in writing, the utilization of explicit jargon to portray and explain the writing or anything utilized in narrating to draw the reader’s consideration. Language highlights are the manners by which spoken, composed and visual writings are formed by close to home, recorded, social, social and working environment settings. Language highlights can be everything that the craftsman author utilizes with specific masterful goals that is utilized in writing and narrating. Language highlights of sonnets are fine art that communicates thoughts through language, which can be perceived, distinguished, deciphered and examined. Abstract language highlights are the methods writers use to make significance through language, and that perusers use to comprehend and value their works. The language highlights utilized in artistic exposition are composed purposely in a progressively adapted way to stream or sing without really being verse. In contrasting the language highlights of the sonnet with the paper article, the sonnet utilizes scholarly gadgets which have various implications and that permit the peruser to decipher. This is on the grounds that sonnets have a customary mood and rehashed lines, words or sounds. In any case, the writer of the news paper article utilizes words for simple translation and comprehension, on the grounds that the messages he is passing on to his perusers are realities with figures. No-scholarly messages are express in nature, in that they are composed to instruct and educate his perusers utilizing persuading or potentially enticing language. In the article, for instance, the author’s consistent employments of question marks welcome the readers’ inclusion. The writer of the news paper article is an outsider; this is on the grounds that he is detailing somebody’s research work to his perusers. While Duff, the creator of the sonnet utilizes first close to home pronoun in each sentence to show that it is her own bit of inventive work. In particular of the language highlights utilized in the two messages, the writers imparted their messages to their separate perusers. A sonnet and an article show likenesses in language highlights utilized in their development. They are additionally composed organization to pull in perusers. Both sonnet and article utilize language highlights to cause their perusers to get them and value their work. Be that as it may, the sound of the word or language utilized in building a sonnet to bestow the reader’s mind makes a sonnet not the same as an article. The utilization of analogies, similar sounding word usages to depict objects make sonnets passionate, innovative and engaging additionally separate a sonnet from an article. Article then again, clarify, precise and straight forward sentences to put their messages across . Articles are not quite the same as sonnets in that, articles can have whatever number journalists as could be allowed when individuals, through responses, either contribute valuably or reprimand crafted by the first author, while, just a single essayist is perceived in verse. Most importantly, verse includes parts of language that intrigue to, and impart by sound and sight. In artistic content the significance is connected to the reason, and it implies that the character in the sonnet is tired of weariness, dejection and social segregation. Conversely, the significance which is connected to the motivation behind the article in the paper has to do with the rush of blade wrongdoing among the young in United Kingdom. Articles and sonnets consistently have implications for their perusers. A sonnet and an article share similitudes with regards to the decision, utilization of supply of words in a language and request of words in a sentence. Creators as well as storytellers settle on right selection of words from in a language and organize them appropriately in sentences to communicate obviously the planned importance. Writers’ point is to get the readers’ consideration, so language structure and lexis are way of talking when utilized appropriately in writing. In any case, Poetry is regularly a liquid and individual energy without the essential need to cling to certain sentence structure rules or refrain styles. The structure, as found in the article is progressively articulated in that; a decent title is made, a presentation that sketched out the fundamental highlights of the subject and portrayed how the subject is about was clarified in a reasonable manner. It had an end. Be that as it may, the sonnet has no start, center and completion. Verse contrasts in visual structure from articles. It has been seen that the utilization of exposition in article varies in verse ( Reckin, 2008). Verse typically shows up as a grouping of lines organized in refrains as opposed to a succession of sentences inside sections. The article, as saw in the paper has helpful sub-headings that gave definite data about various parts of the blade wrongdoing. The crowds for the two writings are not the equivalent. Articles focus on the overall population as their crowd, in light of the fact that their distributions show up in papers and magazines, while sonnets claim to intrigued perusers (Zacharakis et al, 2011). The sonnet recounted to a story, portrayed an article and circumstance, portrayed an occasion lastly communicates sentiments. Whatever the substance of the comments and a definitive message, verse is portrayed by etymological components that go past standard sentence structure. An artist can talk straightforwardly to a group of people, much as a storyteller in stories. Verse is the most close to home and roundabout type of anecdotal articulation. The following phase of the task will be to sum up the primary auxiliary highlights of a sonnet. Sonnets, similar to articles have structures. Structure of a writing alludes to how composed articulation is set out on the page. Verse is limited articulation of the composed word and the employments of structures give the instruments of verse composing. Verse structures have an assortment of rhyming examples, sentence structure and symbolism. Sonnets have diverse basic highlights (shape) which can be utilized to arrange sonnets. These highlights are basic and simple to recognize, for instance, the lines of sonnets are regularly a lot shorter than those of exposition. Writers use writing methods, for example, similitudes and analogies to make verse increasingly expressive and fascinating and are regularly utilized in different types of compositions, for example, articles. Embodiment is additionally abstract procedure utilized in verse to give human sentiments and activities to items or thoughts. Similar sounding word usage, where redundant consonant sounds toward the start of the words and reiteration of word or an expression is rehashed and again in such a manner to causes the perusers to notice it. The utilization of every one of these strategies make verse increasingly inventive, symbolism and enthusiastic to pass on thoughts and significance ( Lowe, 2011). Non-scholarly messages have gone under analysis, due to right off the bat, the evolving society. An adjustment in the public arena will request an adjustment in at least one procedures regularly utilized in non-abstract writings in the event that they are to win the audiences’ consideration. Also, non-artistic writings utilize extra phonetic styles, for example, rhymes, musicality like sonnets or oral written works, along these lines making non-scholarly messages conflicting. At long last, the capacity to describe one’s individual experience includes a lot of dominance, innovative gifts and etymological aptitudes that can be found in oral or sonnets. We ought not dismiss the way that a sonnet doesn't influence its peruser in a remarkable same manner that a work of exposition does. Taking everything into account, this task has depicted the language includes ordinarily utilized in abstract and non-artistic writings and fundamentally broke down their viability. It has likewise applied suitable semantic and basic gadgets from assortment of unique literary works in my own exploratory writing. A rundown of the principle basic highlights of scholarly and non-artistic messages and how they have been utilized in making significance and disposition have been given. This task has likewise dissected the manners in which creators use writing procedures to make significance and thoughts, and examined a contention and suggestion and irregularities of non-scholarly messages. References Bandle, O. (2002) The Nordic Language: an International handbook of history, Volume 1, Berlin: Die Deutsche Bibliothek. Collins English Dictionary (2009) Collins Dictionary: 175 years of word reference Publishing, Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers. Catherine, R. (2006) E. E Cuming, New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation. Little Oxford English Dictionary (2008), Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lowe, I. (2011) A voice of Reason: Reflections on Australia, China: Palgrave Macmillan. Reckin, A. A. (2008) Poem as scene, space, place and the visual, New York: UMI Microform Publishers. Zacharakis, A. Spinelli, S. Timmons, J. (2011) Business Plans that works: A guide for private ventures New York: Mc Graw Hill Publishers.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Get a Girlfriend in College and Keep Her
Step by step instructions to Get a Girlfriend in College and Keep Her Dating is one of the principle concerns understudies have (other than concentrating obviously), and some of the time it turns into a genuine battle. How to discover a sweetheart? How to establish a decent connection with her? How to make this relationship work? These are key inquiries that may happen in your mind. We will attempt to address these inquiries in our guide on the most proficient method to meet a young lady and fabricate a relationship with her that will be in reality profound for both of you. Find Inner Confidence Make the principal move Many folks feel apprehensive and act clumsy around young ladies. Its typical in light of the fact that not every person has the solidarity to approach and converse with a young lady. More often than not we can see a person in a secondary school or school who is gazing in deference at a young lady from a separation. That appears to be unpleasant to spectators. If it's not too much trouble dont do that. In the event that you saw a young lady who you find alluring in the class or in the library or some other spot, come up to her. Or then again, discover her via web-based networking media and content her if youre bashful. Its the most troublesome part since it infers leaving your customary range of familiarity, however its really an essential advance. Else, you can trust that a young lady will come up to you first for an exceptionally significant time-frame. Give her that you really exist. Dont pay attention to it as well Be certain and consider this circumstance a piece of your background. You don't have anything to lose, regardless of whether she dismisses you. Dont make a show out of the entire circumstance. In the long run, she is only an individual as well. In this way, take a full breath, quiet your nerves and come up to present yourself. Dont attempt to imagine like you dont care and approach her in the purpose of interest or fatigue as it were. A great deal of folks do that to conceal their sentiments and afterward ponders â€Å"How to get a young lady to like you?†Actually, after such a move, its truly difficult to change a young ladies supposition. First Meeting Its difficult to assess the ideal situation for a colleague. In motion pictures, we can see excellent scenes of a young lady in school dropping books down and a person getting her out. Despite the fact that it may transpire, dont really depend on such a circumstance. There are a great deal of spots where you can meet a young lady in school. You can begin with a commendation or a joke. Or then again just present yourself in an amenable way. Dont gaze at her like youre an insane man. Grin and address her about: School courses Teachers Films and shows Most loved books Pastimes Companions Focus on the subjects she has a great deal to state on. For instance, in the event that you are discussing the new magnifying lens that you have purchased, and a young lady is simply gesturing her head in answer, attempt to change the subject. Get some information about her day or what she is doing toward the end of the week. The best thing for you will be to take her telephone number or discover her via web-based networking media. On the off chance that you dont talk face to face, yet by means of telephone or instant messages rather, you will feel less on edge. Create Trust The more you converse with a young lady and manufacture trust with her, the more profound relationship you can create with her. Its about being straightforward as well as about creation her vibe agreeable and safe with you. Give her that she can educate you regarding her concerns and you can offer her important guidance. Abstain from keeping insider facts and make your goals understood. A ton of young ladies are not prepared for genuine connections, so you need to comprehend and value that. Dont shroud your sentiments. Tell her how you feel. Alert: Remember that misleading your accomplice is the primary motivation behind why couples split up. Be a Good Listener On the off chance that a young lady feels that she can impart her privileged insights to you and talk uninhibitedly about everything on the planet, its a decent sign. Be a decent audience. Focus on what she informs you regarding her loved ones, considering and work. The more you think about her, the better correspondence you will have. Attempt to recollect noteworthy data and give her that you get her and can identify with her issues. Be Positive Nobody likes testy people. At the point when you talk about your issues excessively, it establishes a terrible connection with everybody around you. Its vastly improved when an individual you speak with can feel that you are happy to have this discussion right now. Keep a positive state of mind and attempt to perk up a young lady if shes having an awful day. In contrast to the crotchety feline, you wont appear to be adorable when you are not feeling acceptable. Put forth an Attempt At the point when you have a relationship, you need to place some push to make it last and keep from burning to the ground. At the point when you ceaselessly lack the capacity to deal with discussion or dates, it makes you resemble an individual who doesnt care. A relationship is a consistent trade off. You need to comprehend that dealing with your calendar to discover time for your better half is as basic as giving her an opportunity to be all alone. An individual needs to possess space and energy for different things other than an accomplice. For instance, the group of friends of her companions or family. Discover a harmony between being excessively nosy and excessively detached. Be respectful, certain and mindful. These are the most basic segments of a long and profound relationship.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Top Reasons to Get Essay on Sale
The Top Reasons to Get Essay on SaleAre you interested in how to get essay on sale for a fee? Whether you are looking for help with writing your own essay, or you need some additional research to help your writing skills. There are many reasons why people would want to write an essay on sale for a fee. The goal of this article is to discuss these reasons.The first reason that most people look into is writing essays. Many people are unable to write their own essays because they don't have the skills to write effectively. For those who write poorly, or who don't know how to write, it is often a good idea to hire someone to write their essay for them.Many writers will use essay writing as a way to get help to improve their writing skills. This is a good way to make sure that you aren't just a 'cheap writer'the worst writer in the world'. If you are able to hire an expert writer to help you with your writing, you can make sure that you will be able to show an improvement in your writing skills over time.Writing a good essay on sale for a fee is also good for improving your writing. You will be able to see if you are capable of being more skilled at writing. It can sometimes be difficult to improve a skill, but if you get some help from a professional you can be sure that you will see an improvement in your skill.The second reason that many people look into is using a written essay as an additional source of information. If you are a high school student or an adult, you can find some help in writing your own essay and then use that essay to learn about different things that you may be interested in. As you learn more about your particular interest, you can start a new essay or turn your old one into a brand new one that is more to your liking.Some individuals may use their essay as a tool to improve their writing. By writing a new essay you will be able to learn new skills that you may not have had in the past. By writing a new essay you will be able to learn about grammar, writing style, research and so on.Another reason that many people look into writing an essay on sale is to help them with their writing. Those who do not have any experience writing may be able to get some help with their writing abilities by writing their own essay. For those who need help with their writing skills, they can get help by writing their own essay.Finally, you may find that your school may require that you take some type of writing test that is based on the topic of your essay. If you have a topic that is too complex for you to write, you may want to look into getting an essay on sale to get some help. Sometimes the type of essay that you need to write will be too complicated for you to write on your own.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville Essay - 661 Words
Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville Herman Melville, an American novelist and major literary figure explored psychological themes in many of his works. Herman Melville was born in 1819 in New York City into an established merchant family. The familys fortune had taken a decline that led to bankruptcy and caused insanity to enter into his fathers Life. Through his writing, Melville recreated a part of life that existed then, and is prevalent in our society today. Low self esteem along with self perception and how others percieve us, can be a factor leading to depression. Depression, if left untreated can become so severe that it is possible to cause someone to lose the will to live.I will clarify this illness†¦show more content†¦As time passed Bartleby verbally stated when asked to comply with his work responsibilities I prefer not to. His protest for the work was very direct and yet very passive. Bartleby seems to have a distinctive, dysfunctional personality. But he wrote on silently, palely, mechanically. This passage shows the debilitating effects of such a depressed life. I prefer not to. seemed to be the only verbal communication he was capable of at the present time. Although he appeared to be referring to his work subconsciously his true feelings for death were stated as I prefer not to. As the story continues it becomes obvious that Bartleby it becomes obvious that Bartleby could not be saved from himself, nor did he want help from anyone else. Bartleby seemed to put up a brick wall between himself and the world. He would not allow anyone into his self destructive detorating world.Strangely huddled at the base of the wall, his knees drawn up, and lying on his sides, his head touching the cold stone, I saw the wasted Bartleby. From this excerpt, we see that depression is a powerful and vengeful illness that caused Bartleby his life.. And I trembled to think that my contact with the scrivener had already and seriously affected me in a mental way. Although it was Bartleby who was the victim of depression it had its ill effects on people around him. I found Bartleby the Scrivener a disturbing sto ry due to its reality.Show MoreRelatedBartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville597 Words  | 3 Pages â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener†is an interesting short story written by Herman Melville for Putnams magazine at a time when Melville was in need for money (Davis 183). The narrator opens with a description of himself, his employees, and the fact that his business has recently grown. Soon after, the narrator, who is a lawyer, hires an additional employee by the name of Bartleby, the namesake of the story. He then proceeds to tell the reader all he knows of Bartleby: how he started off copying as desired;Read MoreBartleby, The Scrivener, By Herman Melville1291 Words  | 6 PagesIn short, Herman Melville’s story â€Å"Bartleby, the scrivener†, tells the tale of a successful lawyer hiring a new copyist and the challenges he faced with his new hire. Initially, the new hire, Bartleby, was extremely driven and very efficient. He had a great work ethic, and ha d an extraordinary output of writing for the head lawyer. On the third day Bartleby stunned his boss by preferring not to comply with his boss’s request. Bartleby’s refusal to comply was at first directed at anything outsideRead MoreHerman Melville s Bartleby The Scrivener1455 Words  | 6 Pagesto make the commands and orders pertaining to the employee, however in Herman Melville’s Bartleby the Scrivener, this situation is not the case, and in fact opposite. Blatantly about the passive resistance the main character, or employee, Bartleby achieves with the famous, â€Å"I prefer not to,†quote, this basic idea of passive resistance only skims the surface of the underlying themes and lessons presented in the book. Melville adds certain aspects into the story that raise questions about Bartleby’sRead MoreHerman Melville s Bartleby, The Scrivener1305 Words  | 6 PagesHerman Melville’s Bartleby, the Scrivener Born in New York City on August 1st, 1819, Herman Melville led a life that commenced in partial fame and success, but ended in poverty and despair. Although unjustly criticized for the â€Å"purposeless extravagance†and â€Å"disorderliness†of his writing, due to his digressions into many different topics while discussing a single one, especially in his most celebrated novel today, though most criticized and unappreciated in his time, Moby Dick, Herman MelvilleRead MoreHerman Melville s Bartleby The Scrivener938 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener†delves into the life of a worker at a New York City Law firm. Herman Melville provides a drab and bleak outlook on the conditions of labor and mental state of the workers at the firm. Though the story can be seen as a depiction of the isolation and lack of passion found in big city labor, I believe that Melville provides much more in his writing. Within the details provided in the story, he manages to forge a metaphor for the power of transcendental ideals such as self relianceRead MoreHerman Melville s Bartleby The Scrivener1402 Words  | 6 Pagestackle these walls. Herman Melville gives us a glimpse at how walls can eventually destroy us if we give into them. In his short story, Bartleby the Scrivener, the narrator tells the story of a clerk he once employed, Bartleby. At first, Bartleby seemed to be the perfect employee, but he eventually began to shirk his work and depart into himself. Through the narrative, the narrator gives his account of how he dealt with Bartleby and gives the reader a look at the walls Bartleby dealt with in partRead MoreThe Lawyer and the Pandhandler in Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville540 Words  | 3 PagesIn the story of Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville, there is a lawyer who narrates the entire story. He owns his own law practice and also has an assortment of scribes who work for him. The first scrivener, named Turkey, was a hard worker until 12 o’ clock noon daily. Following that time, his work begins to diminish. The second, who they called Nippers, was the complete opposite. He worked best during the afternoon and evening hours. Lastly, Bartleby didn’t do much work at all. He was lazyRead MoreAllusions in Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville Essay546 Words  | 3 PagesIn â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener†the author, Herman Melville, uses indirect references to hint to many historical, literary, and biblical events. â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener†contains many allusions about important events that help connect this fictional story to actual events in Melville’s time period, before, and beyond. Melville uses allusions frequently throughout â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener†to help build connections with the real world and the fictitious world of this short story. One of the biggestRead MoreBartleby, the Hero in Herman Melville‚Äà ´s Short Story Bartleby the Scrivener1373 Words  | 6 PagesBartleby, The Hero in Herman Melville’s short Story Bartleby the Scrivener In Herman Melville’s short story Bartleby the Scrivener, Bartleby is the hero. The reasons as to why Bartleby is considered the hero of the story are that first, the character refuses to write in his job in the law office. He even starves himself to death by refusing to eat, but in the end, the spirit of Bartleby still remains alive and haunts the narrator. Throughout his life, the narrator remains haunted by the spiritualRead MoreBartleby, The Scrivener, By Herman Melville And The Fall Of The House Of Usher Essay1754 Words  | 8 Pages â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener†by Herman Melville and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†by Edgar Allen Poe both use isolated characters in a main role. These stories deal with how the isolation of man leads to the death of humanity. In a historical reference, the isolation of mentally ill men and women led to gruesome and inhumane practices while in the care of other people. Through the Middle Ages and until the establishment of asylums, treatments for mental illness were offered by â€Å"humanistic physicians
Friday, May 15, 2020
John Locke, Adam Smith, And Edmund Burke - 1922 Words
Jessica Morales Posc005W February 4, 2016 Section 22 John Locke, Adam Smith, and Edmund Burke have several values that are illustrated by today’s society. One of these values would be conservatism. It is true that we have changed today’s society, however; have we quickly changed these values or have we slowly taken our time to introduce them? Property is another value that illustrates today’s society. We need a state in order to own property. There is no other form of regulation that will tell us who has the rights to certain properties. Lastly, and most importantly, freedom is a value that has been illustrated in the United States in several different ways. Street light tickets are an example of theses certain values and what comes with them. Conservatism is a term that means no change; you conserve what you have. Edmund Burke would agree that street light tickets are not suitable. This change disrupts the economy and causes further problems with society. In today’s society, people are starting to get tickets for crossing a red light. A camera, at the intersection of streets, produces these tickets. Though there have been cameras for a while, they are starting to enforce them more each and every day. My beliefs are those similar to Burke’s. This is not okay because it is an invasion of privacy. Burke believes that radical change is immoral. You cannot simply change something without facing any consequences. Why would I pay taxes, which pay for cameras,Show MoreRelatedClassical Liberalism vs Classical Conservatism2089 Words  | 9 Pagesreligion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.†(Hudelson, 1999) These two ideas have shaped our philosophies and parties for centuries to come. These philosophies were made possible by many bright men of the time like Edmund Burke, John Adams, John Locke and Adam Smith. Classical conservatism or traditional conservatism, Burkean conservatism, and Toryism, is a party that has re-expressed their convections to fit the time. (Frohnen, Beer, and Nelson, 2006) In classical conservatism, manyRead More Classical Liberalism VS Classical Conservatism Essay2055 Words  | 9 Pagesreligion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.†(Hudelson, 1999) These two ideas have shaped our philosophies and parties for centuries to come. These philosophies were made possible by many bright men of the time like Edmund Burke, John Adams, John Locke and Adam Smith. Classical conservatism or traditional conservatism, Burkean conservatism, and Toryism, is a party that has re-expressed their convections to fit the time. (Frohnen, Beer, and Nelson, 2006) In classicalRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Enlightenment1601 Words  | 7 Pagescrucial to the progress of the enlightenment. Thinkers such as Immanuel Kant, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, and Adam Smith were prominent figures of the enlightenment. They questioned religion, promoted secularism, and freedom. Most believed that the government was to be an extension of the people and should not be totalitarian. Locke and Rousseau were focused on protecting the people’s rights. Adam Smith focused on the economic aspects and promoted a free economy without restrictions from the allRead MoreThe Intellectual Tradition Of Political Economy1692 Words  | 7 Pagesliberal political economy. The common principle of classical liberalism is that the greatest possible number of people should have the greatest possible benefits in the direction taken by their lives. In its quintessential form as conceptualized by John Locke, classical liberalism is hence committed to both equality and liberty. With regards to liberty, classical liberalists want for the individual what Thomas Jefferson fought for the United States , independence. Equality is hence a core principleRead MoreThe Theory Of Government, Science And The Nature Of Human Beings1466 Words  | 6 PagesThomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Francis Bacon, John Locke, Jean-Jaques Rousseau and Francis Hutcheson are few of the many Enlightenment thinkers that used reason to challenge the structure of government, science and the nature of human beings. For example, Hobbes believed that man was born evil and shared in Aristotle’s belief that government was essentially the preservation of order against man’s instinc t for selfishness and violence. In contrast, John Locke believed that each man was born with a ‘blankRead Morehistory of philosophy5031 Words  | 21 Pagesreality. Therefore, God exists. This argument has been used in different forms by philosophers from Descartes forward. In addition to St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine and St. Anselm, other important names from the medieval period include Blessed John Duns Scotus, St. Bonaventure, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boà «thius, and Pierre Abà ©lard. The definition of the word philosophy in English has changed over the centuries. In medieval times, any research outside the fields oftheology or medicine wasRead MoreLiberal Perspective of a State7979 Words  | 32 Pagesof Enlightenment, rejecting several foundational assumptions that dominated most of the earlier theories of government, such as hereditary status, established religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The early liberal thinker John Locke, who is often credited for the creation of liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition, employed the concept of natural rights and the social contract to argue that the rule of law should replace absolutism in government, that rulers were subjectRead MoreBranches of Philosophy8343 Words  | 34 Pagesphilosophy [pic] [pic] John Locke Modern philosophy begins with the revival of skepticism and the rise of modern physical science. Philosophy in this period centers on the relation between experience and reality, the ultimate origin of knowledge, the nature of the mind and its relation to the body, the implications of the new natural sciences for free will and God, and the emergence of a secular basis for moral and political philosophy. Canonical figures include Hobbes, Descartes, Locke, Spinoza, Leibniz
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American dream, an idea spread throughout the world,...
The American dream, an idea spread throughout the world, that coming to the United States would give people ultimate freedom and opportunity for prosperity, and success with hard work. James Truslow Adams once said in his book The Epic of America, â€Å"The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they†¦show more content†¦In Drown the people of the Dominican community look to America as there only means of escape, escape from their current live, poverty, and family. There is some humiliation in the fact that the father cannot provi de for his family and must leave in order to provide for the family. Usually if the person immigrating to America did not have the money to do so they would be sponsor by an in-law or a wealthier family member. When they father finally gets to America he is face with the trouble of finding a place to stay and a job. He has trouble finding a good job and he ends up with a couple of low paying jobs that barely covers his rent. When he gets a better job he is faced with racism and has a hard time with the people at work. Numerous of these stories have a deeper significance to them then what they tell. Diaz does a terrific job in telling s different side of immigration to America. A typical immigration from a third world country begins with the husband or father migrating to the promised land, gets some job(s) and after some time the father moves the family there with him. Though in several cases, it does not end up this way and the father becomes lost or loses himself along the way and the wife is left to raise the family on her own. The missing father is a recurring theme in Diaz’s stories, with the mother having to tolerate the difficulty of bringing up the family on her own. It is not just theShow MoreRelatedContemporary Fun Report of the Contemporary Unit1770 Words  | 7 Pagesthe most eventful times in American History, the Contemporary Period expanded on the modern American Dream. Filled with many Civil Rights movements and political dissent, Americans changed many of their previous philosophies about their actual dream to goals of racial justice and financial success. During a time filled with war, protests, and social change, Americans wanted to institute change on the common zeitgeist. The Cold War and many political reforms caused Americans in the Contemporary periodRead MoreEssay on California Gold Rush1491 Words  | 6 Pagesbecome one of the most powerful nations in the world. When we look back at our nations rich history, it is clear to see that there was one discovery in particular that had a vast impact on the United States; the discovery was gold in California. It was in this vastly unoccupied territory that the American dream was forever changed and California emerged as a powerful state busting at the seams. The California Gold Rush shaped California into the state that it is today. California is defined by itsRead MoreThe United States And World War II956 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States truly showed that we were coming together as a nation to become one of the most dominant countries in the world. The United States was brought into World War II when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. 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People have migrated for thousands of years moving into different habitats and spreading their influences over one another. David Burgos a writer for adage, a website that specialize in advertising states, â€Å"I bet most of you thought about Blacks or African Ameri cans and Hispanics. Probably someRead MoreThe Beginning Of The Cold War1718 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween the ideas of Russian Communism and American Democracy and Capitalism. According to Webster’s dictionary, â€Å"Communism is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs†. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Prototype of Friends’ Coffee free essay sample
The idea for this business project is a coffee shop named Friends’ Coffee. The concept of this place is unique and includes monthly activities, games, various benefits and discounts for the clients along with the cozy, friendly atmosphere and tasty cuisine. The latter one is supposed to include the cuisines from different countries. The coffee point is designed to be a club for finding potential friends, where the visitors can eat, play, communicate, and share their interests.The target users of the coffee shop are students, which is a wide international group represented by different races and ethnicities. These young individuals do not often socialize due to the lack of language skills and also due to various entertaining modern technologies that allow them staying at home. The creation of the coffee club that will represent various cuisines (common for students from diverse cultures) and interesting, fun activities gives the better alternative for those who would like to meet different people in a friendly atmosphere. We will write a custom essay sample on The Prototype of Friends’ Coffee or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, the model of the coffee shop has been chosen not accidentally as the habit of drinking coffee is already a part of the modern culture. Coffee lovers are everywhere, and love for this drink can be the point at which different young people can be united. In this way, the coffee club is aimed to become the daily necessity for the local students. At the same time, along with drinking the desired cup, customers can order and try some new cuisine, or they can eat some dishes that are usual for their culture. Notably, the main thing that will be the basis of this coffee club is making friends and having fun. Young individuals can find a lot in common and communicate easier, without restrains when they have fun. Students can play games such as alias, mafia, uno, scrabble, monopoly and many others. Intellectual and party quizzes should also be held in the club. The themes for the quizzes may include English language, literature, modern movies, tv series, etc. Besides that, the coffee shop should offer various books, which should be represented in different languages. The common tastes, modern culture, cozy place, good food, and freshly brewed coffee can be the point where the students of various backgrounds can meet, socialize, find new friends, and share their cultures.The feedback from the potential user is going to be achieved through the prototype (Image 1), and the main goal of the prototyped coffee shop is the increase of connection and communication among young adults, giving them the place where they can socialize and also develop instead of staying alone at home and making friends only with individuals from their culture. Thus, the value proposition is getting new friends, being a part of the group of people who attend this coffee club on a regular basis and providing a sense of belonging.The prototype should not be a fancy place. It should be a cozy and warm cafe. It should remind the visitor the place which everyone is familiar with from the tv series Friends. The colors of the cafe should be bright, warm, and diverse to reflect the v ariety of cultures the coffee club is going to invite. The interior and style should not possess the signs of a certain culture; instead, it should be a mixture of the cultures. It is supposed to have some signs in various languages that can be written on the specific boards, tables. Moreover, the pictures on the walls might have images that are connected with the features of various cultures (for example, the ones from art, movies, literature, science and other spheres). All these factors should be considered and applied in order to make the guests feeling comfortable and relaxed at the place. It should also include some funny attributes like notes, smiles.The insights that were achieved through prototyping can include the visualization of the characteristics of the coffee club, understanding what colors and materials are to be applied, games to be represented, activities to be held. Considering all these facts can help to imagine and provide the model of the place. Showing the prototype to the potential user is also an important part of the prototyping as it helps to achieve the reasonable and timely feedback on which parts to be improved. The testing of the prototype can give the understanding of whether the intended idea is transmitted to the user. Also, testing can show if the potential customer would like to come and stay at the place, and if not, what else is needed to attract him or her.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
John Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci Essays - Gothic Fiction
John Keats' ?La Belle Dame Sans Merci? SPeech is where you make speeches. La Belle Dame sans Merci In La Belle Dame sans Merci, John Keats stresses the idea that beauty is only skin deep and also lies in the eye of the beholder. Through the use of two speakers, Keats is able to portray his theme by means of a story. As the poem begins, the reader meets the first speaker. As we read on, we come to find out that this is a passer-by. We also find out the state of the other speaker, wretched Wight. Sounds so full of life. We also find out the setting. The sedge is witherd from the lake, /And no birds sing. Again, the reader sees the lack of life in the setting. As the first speaker continues, he starts to interrogate the other man. what can ail thee? He describes the man as a lily on thy brow, with anguish moist and fever dew. This translated more than likely indicates that the man is sad. He has also lost the color in his cheeks by stating, on thy cheek a fading rose. Now, it is time for the other speaker to respond. His fir st remark is the route of his problemI met a lady. Wow, cut, print, we have ourselves the beginning of the majority of problems men face. He has met a woman. He then starts to describe her as if in a trance Full beautiful, a faerys child. The woman is made out to be a goddess. He furthers his description with Her hair was long, her foot was light, /And her eyes were wild. Through stating her attributes in past tense, the second speaker is relaying that she is no longer there. Now the second speaker (for the sake of understanding, we shall call him Sark), Sark is describing what they did together. [Sark] set her on [his] pacing steed. And she sat like a true lady and they were merry. She took him into her elfin grot and the laid together. She lookd at [Sark] as she did love him. By this saying, it can be presumed that she did not really love him, but only acted like it because of the gifts he was bestowing upon her. As he fell asleep, Sark had a dream. He dreamt that [he] saw pale ki ngs, and princes too, /Pale warriors, death-pale were they all. These men can be presumed as others who had fallen for this woman and had come to the same misery as him. Sark wakes up and finds himself alone On the cold hillside. He then continues to explain that is why the passer-by found him where he is, where the sedge is witherd from the lake, /And no bird sings. This is a true story of falling in love with the beauty and not the person. The man fell for her like a rock in water. He gave up everything for her and she left him. But in retrospect, when the title of the poem is translated, it turns out she is the beautiful woman without pity. Speech and Communcations
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Personal Essay Example My Experience of Visiting Chinatown
Personal Essay Example My Experience of Visiting Chinatown visit to Chinatown and confront with the reality on the ground. By so doing, firsthand experience came in hand. A community of Chinese people that lives together in the same area, around a foreign city usually leads into that place being named Chinatown. Such an area becomes the working community for the Chinese. Having no preconceived idea of how Chinatown looked like, the expectation one would have is to meet up with pure Chinese architecture. However, this is not what I witnessed because the architectural structures one finds are a mixture of both Chinese and American architectural designs. A few buildings that seemed to be at least one century old could be seen in the distance but, nonetheless, the surroundings are not instantly exotic. Though there is hardly genuine Chinese architecture, the few that are there are worth seeing. Examples from such were adorned with fire-spitting dragons and Chinese lettering. They were not, however, sufficient to make the buildings manifestly exotic. With a keen look at the people dashing along the streets, however, an aura of a foreign characteristic is perceived. The streets here are always filled up with people moving in both directions. The alleys are narrow and the buildings are decorated with Chinese writings and drawings. Most of the people who live in Chinatown have their roots in a common place origin. Most of them are immigrants of Chinese descent. Nonetheless, traces of other people with Asian origins are also found. Therefore, it is not strange to find Thas and Vietnamese on the streets. Basically, the relationship of the people in Chinatown is cultural. It is the cultural ties of these people that hold them together as a community. The identity of Chinatown is founded on cultural factors and, consequently, the relationship of the residents is also culturally defined. The people in Chinatown nowadays lead very busy lives. This is dictated by their main economic activity-trade. Many private businesses are found on the opposite sides of streets here. Therefore, the typical daily life of any residents involves attending to their business affairs. No one seems idle. Buying and selling is the order of the day. By keenly inspecting the streets, one inevitably perceives of the kind of businesses that exist here. Shops are everywhere. According to Waxman, almost all deal in similar goods that range from clothing items to household goods and gifts and other souvenir items. Sea food markets are many, wherein lots of different sea creatures are traded. Markets that trade in traditional Chinese medicine are scattered everywhere. The most outstanding of them all are restaurants that sell Cantonese food which is attractive to tourists who visit the surroundings. Walking along the streets, it is hard to meet with any other people other than the Chinese. They spoke a dialect that I could hardly comprehend. On further investigation, the language they spoke turned out to be Cantonese. However, on a good day and by sheer luck, one may meet with a Chinese who can communicate in English. What seems to make Chinatown so precious to the inhabitants is the imposing sense of community. According to Zahra, this sense of community is what links the residents with their motherland. Conclusively, Chinatown is an attraction for both locals and tourists. Individual Chinese from the vicinities of the city visit Chinatown for shopping as well for a feel of home. On the other hand, tourists and people like me are afforded an opportunity to learn and relate with Chinese culture which makes the whole affair a pleasurable experience indeed.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Isabella Linton, strong or weak character of the novel Wuthering Essay
Isabella Linton, strong or weak character of the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - Essay Example Her initial character weaknesses are naivety and childishness. These are manifest, later on, in her impetuous decision to marry. Of course, given her relatively tender age, eighteen at the time, these character traits are not as weak as they would be in an adult with more experience. Her experience, it must also be noted, does not extend much, if at all, beyond Thrushcross Grange. It must also be conceded that Ellen presents some positive attributes. Isabella, for instance, is naà ¯ve and a bit foolish, but she is not stupid. Quite the contrary, she has a clever wit and deep feelings. In short, Isabella is neither weak nor strong in the very beginning; however, her weaker traits, such as an infantile-like impetuousness, are dominant. These traits foreshadow a mistake in judgment. Indeed, with her marriage to Heathcliffe, this is precisely what happens. Later, when Isabella becomes infatuated with Heathcliffe, her foolishness becomes her dominant character trait to the exclusion of all other traits. Catherine teases and warns her about wanting to be with Heathcliffe. Isabella responds by stating that, â€Å"I wont be always sent off!†, and that â€Å"You are a dog in the manger, Cathy, and desire no one to be loved but yourself!†(Wuthering Heights). The facts are irrelevant for Isabella. She is jealous and desirous. Here, Isabella’s impetuous character speeds her demise and exacerbates her powerlessness. She concludes one particular rant by stating that, All, all is against me: she has blighted my single consolation. But she uttered falsehoods, didnt she? Mr. Heathcliffe is not a fiend: he has an honorable soul, and a true one, or how could he remember her?†(Wuthering Heights). It is true that Catherine is not disinterested in Heathcliffe; however, her advice and her warnings are sound and reliable. Isabella refuses to listen because she succumbs to the
Friday, February 7, 2020
Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3
Research Paper Example However, the application of alternative dispute resolution methods significantly reduces cost incurred in solving such disputes among many other benefits that are accrued by parties who resort on applying these techniques. This research paper will explore the alternative dispute resolution in contracting, highlights their advantages and/or disadvantages, recommend steps to prepare for each type of action, and discuss how legally binding the decided outcome of each ADR may be for the parties involved. Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") in contracting refers to the alternative methods of helping the parties resolve legal problems before going to court (Nolan-Haley, 2013). According to American Arbitration Association and Fordham University (2006), ADR refers to the numerous methods that are used to solve disputes without involving the conventional court system. They are associated with numerous benefits such as being less expensive and timely than formal trials as well as providing the needed privacy for discreet matters. Moreover, ADR processes help in maintaining relations with strategic business partners, and provide more flexible and creative resolutions to disputes. Almost all ADR processes involve autonomous third person referred to as a â€Å"neutral†, who attempts to constrict the areas of conflict or solve them (Sourdin, 2011). There are four main types of ADR namely negotiation, mediation, collaborative law, and arbitration (Nolan-Haley, 2013). Negotiation is one of the less formal and most simple types of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). It involves starting a dialogue between the conflicting parties with the primary motive being to attain understanding, gain advantage in results of dialogue, or resolve points of difference (Sourdin, 2011). During a negotiation, disputants meet informally whether in the presence of a council or not, in an attempt to resolve their differences. In some cases, courts give the disputants an
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
HPLC Analysis of Caffeine Essay Example for Free
HPLC Analysis of Caffeine Essay The main objective of this lab is to gain experience in using and reading results from the HPLC machine. 2) The first step is to inject a series of caffeine standards into the machine in order to get results/values of peak height and area. 3) The next step is to investigate the effects of a series of HPLC parameters on Retention time, peak height and peak area. 4) To use above data from peak height and area to construct two standard curves vs concentration. Introduction: Caffeine is a common organic molecule found in many beverages such as coffee, tea, and cola. It is a stimulant to the central nervous system. Which is why the majority of the population use it in one form or another to help stay alert. In general people drink caffeinated drinks like the ones mentioned above in order to obtain their â€Å"fix†. However with many recent studies in the area caffeine tablets are becoming a very popular way for athletes in lots of different sports to stay alert even when fatigue is setting in. HPLC stands for High Performance Liquid Chromatography but is also referred to as High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. It is used for separating mixtures either to analyse the mixture or to separate a required product from others in a reaction mixture. It can also be used to find the relative amounts of different components in a mixture. HPLC works along the same lines as paper chromatography. In paper chromatography a liquid (mobile phase) moves past a solid (stationary phase). In paper chromatography the stationary phase consists of water molecules bound to the cellulose in the paper, the mobile phase carries different components of the mixture along with it. How fast each one moves depends on its relative affinity for the mobile and stationary phases. In HPLC the stationary phase is a solid packed into a column and the liquid is forced through the column by high pressure pumps. The pumps force the mixed solvents through the column the solvent emerging from the column carries the separated components of the mixture and is passed into the detector where a beam of ultraviolet light shines through it. There are many different types of detector depending on what you are analysing. This light is at a wavelength that is absorbed by all the components to be separated. When the detector reading drops the component that is absorbing the UV light is coming out of the column and passing through the detector. The time it takes for each component to come off the column is called its retention time and can be used to help identify it. The more polar component comes off the column first followed by the less polar. Materials: As per laboratory manual.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Growing Need for Nontraditional Adoptions Essay -- Family Children
The Growing Need for Nontraditional Adoptions When picturing a family with an adopted child, the first image that comes to many people’s mind is that of a mother, father, and their child, but have you ever stopped to consider the alternatives. Who says that every family has to consist of a male and female who are married? Can a single parent, homosexual couples, or couples with a differing ethnicity from the child provide the same love and support as a tradition couple? These are options that adoption and foster care agencies have begun to consider due to the lack of available nontraditional families. In recent years there has been a drastic shortage of available homes for children in the adoption and foster care network. Because many of these children suffer from considerable health problems or happen to be of minority races, they have often been considered â€Å"unadoptable†(Overview 2). Therefore, many of the children move from one foster home to another throughout their lives, which can lead to â€Å"increased emotional problems, delinquency, substance abuse, and academic problems†(Overview 2). In order to reduce the number of children floating through the system, child welfare agencies have expanded their policies to allow adults, including single parents, families of minority races, and even people who have physical disabilities, to make an adopted child part of their family (Overview 2-3). Perhaps one of the most debated groups included in this expansion are gays and lesbians. It has recently become quite common for homosexual couples to adopt children, yet many people question the ability of the couples to provide a mentally healthy and moral environment. It has been questioned that if children w... ...ties Union Freedom Network . 6 Apr. 1999. American Civil Liberties Union . 19 Feb. 2003 . Prowler, Mady. â€Å"Single Parent Adoption: What You Need to Know.† . 2000. Adoption . 15 Apr. 2003 . Shireman, Joan F. â€Å"Adoptions by Single Parents.†Marriage and Family Review 20 (1995): 367-388. Simon, Rita James. Transracial Adoption . New York: John Wiley & Son, Inc., 1977. Teicher, Stacy A.. â€Å"Fight Over Mixed-Race Adoptions.†Christian Science Monitor . 14 April 1999. EBSCOhost . Joyner Library, Greenville, NC. 19 Mar. 2003. â€Å"Transracial Adoption Sparks Debate.†Issues and Controversies . 12 Oct. 1995. Issues and Controversies . 19 Mar. 2003. .
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Character Identification in Drama Essay
One of the most powerful aspects of theater is the way that dramatic expression encourages the viewer to participate in the drama by identifying closely with one or more of the characters depicted on stage. In actuality, the measure of a play’s success depends on the degree to which the playwright is able to convincingly develop and exploit the audience’s identification with the dramatic characters and, in some almost ineffable way, allow them to experience the play’s themes and ideas in an intimate way. Most people probably identify more with a single character of any given play than with the other characters. Obviously, the protagonist of a play is expected to engage the audience’s identification and sympathy, but it is not always the case for every viewer that a given play’s protagonist will supply the most expedient method of sympathy and identification. For example, in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the character of Horatio seems to me, for reasons which I hope to explain shortly, a more sympathetic character and one with which I can closely identify because Horatio is the good-hearted friend who tries to offer actionable advice to Hamlet, only to have his advice ignored and for tragedy to win the day. From the beginning of the play it is clear that Horatio is meant to serve as a psuedo-narrator of the play and his relationship with the audience is established as quickly and as innately as is possible without s direct appeal to the audience. Although Horatio’s simple lines may seem as though they play little role in the overall development of the play, they are, in fact, rich with meaning. By assuring Hamlet that he should not follow the beckoning form of his father’s ghost in the second part of Act 1 Scene 3, Horatio fully expresses his bond with Hamlet, and in doing so, begins to shift the audience-identification and audience sympathy he has established up to that point with the audience to the play’s true protagonist, Hamlet. When Horatio says â€Å"†Do not, my lord. †(Hibbard 183) he is informing the audience that Hamlet faces true danger and that he is concerned for him; so, too, should the audience be concerned. The essence of the relationship between Horatio and Hamlet is consistently portrayed as a genuine friendship. Horatio’s loyalty is important to the play’s climax at the end of Act 5 Scene 2. He cautions Hamlet, again, to avoid his tragic fate: â€Å"If your mind dislike anything, obey it. I will forestall their repair hither, and say you are not fit. †(Hibbard 344) By now, accustomed to Hamlet’s denial of his friend’s advice, the audience will recall the previous scene when Hamlet, against Horatio’s advice, sought conversation with ghost of his father. They will understand that when Hamlet chooses to disregard the advice of the single character in the play who has demonstrated friendship and loyalty to him, that Hamlet, again, embraces tragic fate. Horatio’s loyalty is â€Å"good†while Hamlet’s loyalty to the ghost of his father is destructive. Horatio represents an â€Å"existential connection to the living moment, whereas the ghost of the King represents the ambiguities of the Christian afterlife†(Holzknecht) and religious dogma as well as cultural tradition and social conservatism. My ability to identify with Horatio comes from the fact that I have also given advice to close friends who opted to ignore that advice and came to ruin. I think most people have probably faced that situation in their lives and the character of Horatio is therefore a good character to encourage audience identification. The same principle is at work in Lorraine Hansberry’s â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun,†where Hansberry challenged deep cultural ideas about African Americans. By focusing her play on realism, Hansberry created a theme which was radically different than the presentation of America typically seen on Broadway stages. The play’s impact on American audiences was very controversial. Hansberry relied on depicting extreme emotional states and conditions for her characters, as well as enticing her audience to experience the world of her characters with as much empathy as possible. In order to engage the audience, and to cause them to identify with the Youngers, Hansberry uses the device of realism, which extends to the character of Mama who is depicted as a well-meaning and hard-working person who faces insurmountable odds. One important reason why I feel an identification with Mama is because of the very beautiful language Hansberry developed for this character. Hansberry delivers the dialogue of â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†in colloquial language and this aspect of them play enhances the play’s realism. The realism of the play then causes the audience to more closely identify with the play’s characters and plot, and each of these aspects of the play helps to communicate the important sociological and racial themes that drive â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun. †Hansberry’s dialogue, in fact, becomes a key driving force of the play’s ultimate revelatory impact on the audience. As the play progresses and the characters become more clearly defined with motivations that the audience can identify with (or despise) the dialect of the play begins to attain a lyrical uniqueness  a vocal music which was unlike any other play on the Broadway stage of the time. Lines such as â€Å"Seem like God didn’t see fit to give the black man nothing but dreams†¦. ’†(Hansberry, 29) or â€Å"â€Å"There is always something left to love. And if you ain’t learned that, you ain’t learned nothing†¦. †(Hansberry, 135) attain the status of aphorism in the context of the play and divulge important social and racial realities that, for most Americans in the mid-twentieth century, existed, if at all, as merely si-debar newspaper articles or in some other abstract realization. My identification with Mama extends to her empathy for others, such as in the case of the abortion which is alluded to in the play: â€Å"Mama realizes how close the other members of the family are to despair when Ruth reveals that the â€Å"doctor†she has seen is not a conventional physician but a woman who has the capability of performing an abortion, an illegal procedure at the time that could subject Ruth to severe criminal penalties†(Domina 8). I think most people have faced situations where they were meant to do what appears to be â€Å"wrong†in order to do what is essentially right. This is the magic of Hansberry’s characterization. In plays such as Antigone which are ancient plays, identification with the characters can sometimes be more difficult for modern audiences. However, the deep identification with Creon which I experienced while reading the play emerges from the timelessness of certain â€Å"faults†of character, namely pride, which I feel is as much a part of modern life as it is â€Å"common†life, or that is, the lives of people who are not kings or royalty. The damaging impact of pride can be felt over trivial matters as well as great issues as those depicted in the play, Antigone. For my own part, I felt an extreme identification with Creon because I have personally experienced the nature of pride and arrogance in relation to my own life and my own social relationships. One of the most important aspects of my identification with Creon is the fact that  by identifying with Creon  one also, indirectly  identifies with the Chorus of the play which, in the long run, serves as a counterpoint to Creon’s increasingly egomaniacal behavior. While I can abstractly connect my own â€Å"trivial†indiscretions with personal power to Creon’s obviously near-mythic exploits, I doubt that most modern readers would necessarily be able to make that connection because the seeming influence of their â€Å"small lvies†would not seem, to them, comparable to the life and actions of a great man. However, the portrayal of â€Å"great men†in classical tragedy was used in order to exaggerate the qualities and personality traits which were viewed as being connected to tragedy. That means that the aspects of Creon which seem near-mythic in Antigone are near-mythic precisely because they are universal and can, in fact, be applied to everyday lives. This is the power of theater: to span time and culture and find universal identification through the portrayal of archetypal characters. Work Cited Domina, Lynn. Understanding a Raisin in the Sun A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. Random House, New York. 1959 Holzknecht, Karl J. The Backgrounds of Shakespeare’s Plays. New York: American Book, 1950. Hibbard, G. R. , ed. Hamlet. Oxford: Oxford University, 1998. Sophocles. Sophocles Antigone. Trans. Richard Emil Braun. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Treatment Of A Sexually Transmitted Disease - 1457 Words
An 18-year old female has been diagnosed as having a sexually transmitted disease due to Neisseria gonorrhoea; Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus. Gonorrhoea is pathogenic bacterial type of infection.Itis a rather common infectious bacterium that can grow and rapidly multiply in the mucous membranes, in areas such as the mouth, throat and anus of males as well as females. Cervix, fallopian tubes and the uterus of the female reproductive tract are also to be infected. An estimated of 650,000 people are affected by gonorrhoea per year. The bacteria are mainly found in discharge from the penis and vaginal fluid from infected men and women and can be passed through†¦show more content†¦Both sexes experience sore throat in oral infections if they are not asymptomatic. However, this response is most commonly mistaken as a viral sore throat. Describing the clinical presentation of this infection health and safety issues when diagnosing the infection in the microbiology laboratory The recommended method for testing for gonorrhoea is nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT). NAAT is a molecular test designed to detect the DNA (genetic material) of Neisseria gonorrhoea. This tests is also more specific than other gonorrhoea tests A sample of cells will be diagnosed by your doctor to determine the presence of gonorrhoea in your body. Samples can either be collected by urine tests (helps with identification of bacteria in the urethra), also a swab from the affected area (which removes the need for pelvic exam for women). A swab of your urethra, throat, rectum or vagina may collect bacteria that can be identified in a laboratory. The collecting of a sample from the urethra, the anus, the cervix or the rectum may cause mild discomfort or pain. A minority of women feel slight cramping while the speculum is inside the vagina. Collecting of urine sample usually does not cause discomfort. Having a sample of fluid collected from the cervix, the urethra, the anus, the eye or the throat causes/is at very little risk. Women may experience a small amount of bleeding from the vagina if a sampleShow MoreRelatedAntibiotic Resistant Sexually Transmitted Disease1399 Words  | 6 PagesAntibiotic Resistant Sexually Transmitted Disease Due to consistent misuse of antibiotics, there are some antibiotic-resistant sexual transmitted disease. Misuse of antibiotics includes doctors over prescribing the medicine to patients and patient not taking the medications properly. According to a survey in the New England Journal of Medicine, there are a large percentage of patients who are prescribed antibiotic that stop taking them once the symptoms of the disease goes away. 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